What everyone should know to SAVE MONEY on Hourly/Daily parking
Point #1
Most garages offer some special rates. A special rate means that you can park many hours for one flat fee.
Early Bird Specials
Most garages have Early Bird specials for commuters. Occasional visitors can take advantage of these rates. To qualify for these specials, parkers must usually enter the garage facility between 6:00am and 10:00am, sometimes 11:00am. For one low rate, parkers can often stay until 6:00pm or for 12 hours. If you plan to visit Manhattan for the day, arriving before 10:00am will almost always result in a lower fee and a flexible departure time.
Evening or Night Specials
Most garages in midtown and downtown have Evening or Night specials for vehicles arriving after 6:00pm and leaving before 6:00am the next day. If you plan to go to the theater, arriving after 6:00pm will usually result in a lower parking fee.
Point #2
As a general rule, parking fees decrease as you park farther away from 5th Avenue. Rates can decrease dramatically by choosing a garage east or west of 5th Avenue.
Point #3
Oversized vehicles such as a large 4 X 4 or van present the parker with two problems. The first problem is that many garages will not accept these vehicles. The second problem is that there is often a surcharge of between $5 and $15 on each rate. When possible, park a normal sized vehicle. If this is not possible, call in advance.
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