Mexican Dance Lessons!

experiences Santa Fe
Beautiful mexican women dancing!

Вертикальні вкладки

In this series of dance lessons you'll learn the basics of traditional Mexican dancing from expert Aluyi Montero, professional dancer and native of Mexico City. She demonstrates the steps, moves, turns and combinations of the dance, as well as arm and skirt movements which enhance the mesmerizing visual qualities of the dance. Additionally, she talks about the origins of Mexican folk dances, shows you how to wear the traditional Mexican dance costumes, and offers tips and advice on where to learn more about this beautiful dance.

Experience type:

Start date: 
вівторок, січня 5, 2016 - 19:30
11708 E Washington Blvd Santa Fe Springs,
Santa Fe, CA 90670
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Daily Price: 
20,00 €
Discount countdown: 
% Off: 
Discount dates: 
понеділок, квітня 4, 2016 - 15:15 до 18:30
Please read the following information before you register for dance classes. RESERVE YOUR PLACE IN CLASS: Registration is on a first come, first serve basis. To reserve a place in the class, your completed registration form with Check or Cash MUST be in our hands BEFORE or ON the registration deadline below. A place in class for single leads/follows is based on the lead/follow ratio. Therefore, single leads and follows should register as soon as possible. REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Your completed registration form with Check or Cash MUST be in our hands BEFORE or ON
mexican dance

Зареєстрований вже
9 років 10 місяців
  • Reviews: 9
  • Spaces: 1
  • Transport: 2
  • Timeout: 5

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8,00 €
Per night
Barcelona, Іспанія, Barcelona, 08013
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