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Join me for a day you will never forget. Bathing a huge elephant in a gently moving river, feeding the elephants and maybe even cutting some food for them. We visit an elephant rescue program located in Kanchanaburi, a 2 1/2 hour drive from Central Bangkok. This program has evolved over several years and several operators into the very special program that is today. Partially supported by the Royal Foundations this is a great opportunity to be really close to elephants. You will meet their mahouts (keepers/trainers), the really dedicated veterinarians and the other staff. There are usually some volunteer workers here as well from all over the world. You will have the opportunity to ride an elephant into the river without a heavy and harmful platform. See the great joy these huge animals get as they play in the water while you bathe them. Return to Bangkok rejuvenated and full of elephant energy. You can do this tour and have a wonderful time even if you do not ride the elephants. Transportation from Bangkok to Elephant Camp and back to your hotel, lunch at the camp and the day of activities at the camp. The day's activities can be very busy or not so busy just depending on your physical condition and what you want to see and do. You can ride the elephants and bathe them. You can feed them some bananas or sugar cane. Talk to the vet, managers and other staff to learn everything you ever wanted to know about elephants. Of course I'll be along as your personal guide and translator.
Manama Bahrain
Manama Bahrain
Manama 00973

Member for
9 years 10 months
  • Reviews: 11
  • Spaces: 0
  • Transport: 3
  • Timeout: 6

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